Must-know benefits of MBBR Biofilter Media lagoon
Moving bed bio filter media is an advanced biological reactor for aquaculture as well as aquarium wastewater treatment. It is also called as MAT Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR). Moving Bed technology presents numerous operational benefits, compared to other traditional LSS biological treatments. Smaller biological reactor volumes as well as smaller secondary settling surface are required in order for bacteria slime to settle as well as nourish. MBBR Biofilter Media lagoon Methodically established results designate that a correctly intended MBBR Biofilter Media lagoon with polyethylene media as Biofilm carrier possess enormous probable to be utilized for OMS elimination from aquaculture wastewater. The moving bed Biofilm procedure may be used as a perfect and efficient alternative for the total nutrient elimination from a closed course aquaculture or else public aquarium waste water treatment. Advantages of mbbr moving bed biofilm processes The MBBR is a complete mix, ...